A lovely variegated selection of this enchanting daphne should be on everyone’s list of ‘must-have’ daphnes. It is rarely out of flower from spring to late autumn and its large, intensely fragrant white flowers, are produced in such abundance that they almost smother the plant. There are several criteria that are essential to the successful cultivation of of Daphne x transatlantica 'Summer Ice' i in the garden: a sheltered, sunny position, careful watering in its early years and a sharply-drained, well-aerated soil which is moisture retentive. Avoid planting in areas of very high rainfall. This daphne is happy in alkaline, neutral or slightly acid soils.

Please ensure that you can provide the correct cultural requirements for this plant and be aware that daphnes are not suitable for patio pots.

Available for delivery in the following locations:

United Kingdom (England, Wales, Mainland Scotland, Scottish Islands, Scottish Highlands, Isle of Wight, Northern Ireland, Isles of Scilly)