Limited Edition, Wild Gladioli by Nicola Slaney is part of the Songs of the Cevennes within The Flying Phoenix Collection.

Thirty years ago, Maureen and Hugh Edwards secured a controlling interest in Moorcroft. The Phoenix Years have passed and the legendary bird itself is in full flight. The Flying Phoenix Collection represents a gesture of thanks to the two people who gave up a great slice of their time and the whole of their successful careers in the Law to serve Moorcroft. Neither has any regret. Their reward for 30 years loyal service to Moorcroft’s art pottery, lies in the plethora of exquisite Moorcroft to have emerged on their watch.

The Moorcroft Phoenix is indeed flying into the future, and this 2016 Flying Phoenix Collection has been designed to carry us all with it.

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United Kingdom (England, Wales, Mainland Scotland, Scottish Islands, Scottish Highlands, Isle of Wight, Isles of Scilly)

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