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The Fruit Garden

Finish planting new soft fruit. Apply a mulch of well-rotted farmyard manure or Carr’s Soil Improver to all fruit along with a slow release fertiliser such as Osmacote. Apply sulphur to beds of blueberries, loganberries and cranberries where to improve acidity. Remove grass and weeds around the base of established fruit trees as these will compete for nutrients and moisture, as well as harbouring pests and diseases.

Spray peaches, apricots and nectarines growing out of doors against peach leaf curl using a propietary systemic fungicide. Protect the blossom of early-flowering apricots, peaches and nectarines from frost damage by covering plants with fleece when frost is forecast. Hand-pollinate flowers these if insects are scarce, especially those growing under cover. A small, soft paintbrush or a rabbit’s tail, are the best tools for transferring the pollen from flower to flower.

As buds burst on apple, pear, plums, cherries and damson start preventative spray programme with systemic fungicide together with a systemic pesticide to control aphids and caterpillars.

Place cloches or fleece over outdoor strawberry plants for an earlier crop. Make sure to lift the covers during the warmest part of the day, to allow pollinating insects to enter. A high potassium feed (such as rose or tomato fertiliser) will also help encourage flowers and fruit. Prune outdoor vines. Feed rhubarb with high nitrogen fertilizer (such as pelleted chicken manure) and mulch.