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Glossary W


Waterlogging refers to the saturation of soil with water. If the soil remains waterlogged and becomes stagnant this can be very detrimental to plant growth as anaerobic conditions occur due to a lack of oxygen. Oxygen is vital for healthy root growth as the cells that make up the roots need to respire, requiring a constant source of oxygen usually found in the poor spaces in un waterlogged soils. Some plants are adapted to survive and flourish in waterlogged conditions, rice (Oryza sativa) for example.


Any unwanted plants, either because they are too invasive and hinder the growth of more desirable plants, they are in the wrong place or are unattractive or unwanted plants.


A sap-sucking pest commonly associated with greenhouses. They weaken the host plant and excrete a sticky substance (honeydew) onto the foliage below. This in turn allows the development of sooty moulds. They are a member of the Aleyrodidae family.


A circle of three or more leaves or flowers occurring at the same level around a stem.


When a plant becomes limp or flaccid due to a loss of turgidity. This occurs when not enough water is being taken up by the plant, either due to under watering, excess heat or rood damage by disease or over watering.